You can check the description of each attribute in Payment endpoints.

AttributeChild AttributeTypeDescription
idstringA unique indentifier for the payment.
resourcestringValue is "payment".
statusstringThe status of the payment.
amountintegerThe value reflects the amount you specified when requesting the API.
taxintegerThe value reflects the tax you specified when requesting the API.
customerstringThe ID of an existing customer in which to provide payment details for the payment. This or payment_details must be present.
payment_deadlinestringTime when the payment will expire. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
payment_detailsobjectA hash or token describing the payment method used to make the payment.
typestringvalue of payment method.
emailstringThe e-mail address used to send the payment receipt and instructions to.
bank_idstringA code required by customers when paying with Pay-easy.
customer_idstringA code required by customers when paying with Pay-easy.
confirmation_idstringA code required by customers when paying with Pay-easy.
instructions_urlstringA URL for an instructions page
payment_urlstringURL associated with the payment.
cvs_codestringThe CVS code (PayEasy)
storestringStore slug name e.g. lawson, family_mart, etc
confirmation_codestringA number that customers will need when paying at the konbini (used by some konbini).
receiptstringA number that customers will need when paying at the konbini.
order_idstringRemitters/payers name customer needs to use to send money as.
bank_namestringThe name of the bank the user needs to wire funds to.
account_branch_namestringThe name of the bank branch the user needs to wire funds to.
account_numberstringThe bank account number the user needs to wire funds to
account_typestringThe type of the bank account the user needs to wire funds to.
account_namestringThe name of the bank account the user needs to wire funds to.
payment_deadlinestringTime when the payment will expire. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.'
redirect_verify_urlstringURL of the second verification step
brandstringBrand of credit card e.g. visa, mastercard, etc.
last_four_digitsstringThe last four digits of the credit card number
monthstringExpiry month of the credit card
yearstringExpiry year of the credit card
redirect_urlstringURL where customers are redirected after a payment has been completed.
external_payment_idstringExternal Payment ID (PayPay).
transaction_idstringTransaction ID
transaction_keystringTransaction key
payment_url_appstringPayment URL (LinePay)
payment_access_tokenstringPayment Access Token (LinePay).
charge_keystringThe Charge ID managed by Rakuten Pay
providerstringThe provider of the carrier billing
payment_method_feeintegerAn additional fee added to specific payment types.
totalintegerThe payment total, this is the amount + tax + customer_fee'
currencystring3-letter ISO currency code used to pay.
descriptionstringPlaintext description for annotating a resource.
captured_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when a payment was captured.
external_order_numstringA unique ID from your application used to track this payment.
metadataobjectA set of key-value pairs.
created_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when a payment was created.
amount_refundedintegerAmount refunded
localestringSets the language of instruction page for supported payment methods. Valid options are 'en', 'ja', and 'ko'.
sessionstringA "session" represents a secure webpage on which a user can enter payment details.
customer_family_namestringCustomer's family name.
customer_given_namestringCustomer's given name.
mccstringMerchant Category Code.
statement_descriptorstringUsed to change the way a payment shows up on a card or payment statement.
refundsarrayRefunds an arbitrary amount of money from an existing payment. If no amount is specified, the whole payment is refunded.
idstringA unique indentifier for the refund.
resourcestringValue is "refund"
currencystring3 letter ISO currency code used to refund
paymentstringA unique indentifier for the payment.
amountintegerAmount of the refund
chargebackbooleanDetermine if it's a chargeback
created_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when a refund was created.
descriptionstringPlaintext description for annotating a resource.
refund_requestsarrayA "Refund Request" requests that a payment be refunded manually. This can be used for payment methods that do not support refunds, such as konbini. To support non-refundable payment methods, a bank account must be specified so that we know where to send the funds.
Since it is a manual process, the refund will be carried out at a later date, and there's a possibility of it being rejected.
idstringA unique indentifier for the refund request.
paymentstringA unique indentifier for the payment.
account_numberstringBank account number
bank_codestringBank code
bank_namestringBank name
branch_namestringBranch name
branch_numberstringBranch number
created_atstringAn ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when a refund request was created.
customer_namestringAccount holder name (kana)
statusstringStatus of the refund request